Saturday, July 25, 2015


Still probably one of my most favourite licences still. I just like that it's to the point and clear. Sure it's a little vulgar but in today's world/generation this is old news and normal at best. Kinda sad but at least it works.

Arch Experience?

[Image goes here but it's too big and break everything..] Not really sure what to say here other than I really like how snappy it is. It's minimal at best which I like! Has no bloat like regular distros I'm used to. I really like how much performance I can squeeze out of it before everything dies. Here is the imgur link if you wanna read more...or rather ill just copy/paste it below.. Bloop: I am enjoying Arch (Antergos) really. I didn't like vanilla Arch because of the installation was very confusing even with a detailed wiki and sections for various support on multiple hardware guides..I still found it extremly frustration to just get everything up and running. Manjaro just wasent for me. Something about it I just didn't like..Anyways Antergos is great so far for my first Arch experience that I like! The install was a bit long and a bit crashy but it was well worth it. Really glad I decided to go with OB instead of XFCE or Mate. I didn't like the other enviroments and I am sick of XFCE. I wont get into that now. Anyways post-install getting all the software I didnt want uninstalled was easy and quick. As well as installing everything that I wanted/needed. I'm still kinda in this process as Pacman isn't the only thing I found out i can use. So this is quite the experience. My overall favorite thing by far is the performance boost! I can finally multi-task without any jigger! It's wonderful to be back with Opebbox as well I really missed it. Everything that's already set up I don't feel a need to tweak. Sure a few things here n there but overall this fits prefectly for me. I don't have an urge to tweak/tinker with every little thing. I'll write more about this on my blog sometime later in the week : ]